Sunday, March 25, 2007

About Nepal !

In the southern part of giant continent Asia there lies rectangular tiny kingdom squeezed between two huge populated countries China on the north and India on the south, is the country called Nepal-the world of its own.The land of contrast is ostensibly the exact way to define the topography of Nepal for you will find maximum world’s topmost highest peaks soaring high up above the clouds striving for God’s abode. Mt. Everest, Kanchenjunga, Daulagiri, and Annapurna and many more are there to offer the mountain-lovers and adventurers.
No wonder after viewing the panoramic views of everlasting snow-covered mountain ranges if you find yourself not far below (within a day’s distance) busy taking close-up photos of Royal Bengal Tigress prowling in the dense tropical forest along with one-horn Rhinos, Gharials, Crocodiles, and many endangered vertebrate mammals and reptiles amidst the friendly people of natives that is consist of colorful 36 ethnic groups.Thus it is not unusual to bask round the snowy peaks in the early morning and take warm shower under tropical sun with distance cover by your own on-foot journey within a day. Also the land is blessed with everlasting peace and tranquility. So for the reason Lord Buddha was born here. According to Hindu relic (Ramayana) Sita (wife of King Ram) was also born in this particular place. These ancient and medieval relics are still well preserved and full of lives. When you witness, every wall speaks itself. That is why many visitors can’t help themselves gasping, and trying hard to retake a gulf of air to gulp down as the breathtaking views almost took their breath.

Geographically, the country is divided into three belts:
1. Northern Himalayan range
2. Middle Mahabharat range
3. Southern Terai (plain) belt
Owing to the drastic features of the landscape-configurations of the country she has possessed several fascinating things that captivate the travelers of worldwide to visit once if not over and over again. The major magnetic-attractions for the travelers for this land of contrast are:
Out of 10highest peaks of the world eight majestic peaks are found in Nepal. Namely: Everest, Kanchenjunga, Daulagiri, Annapurna I, Manaslu, Lotse, Choyou, and Makalu. There are other numerous nameless peaks, which are soaring above 6000m.
A wide range of perpetual rushing rivers originate from the upper and middle Himalayas appeals to the rafting enthusiasts
Dense deciduous and alpine forest where it has given shelter to many of the unique species found in the world
The country is consisted of 36 ethnic groups which made the country a colorful and impressive culturally, traditionally and linguistically
Greater part of the country has still remained untouched by the modern civilization and lives in old good days
After all it is the genuine hospitality of the host country that makes travelers feel a home far away from the home.
Basically the country experiences four distinct climates annually where most of the rainfall is being brought by the seasonal reversal of wind direction blown from Bay of Bengal and vice versa commonly known as Monsoon. Rain falls mainly between Mid-June to Mid-Sept. during night.
Latitudinal location of the country plays limited role to determine the temperature of any particular area owing to the drastic configuration of the landscapes ranging from highest point of the world Mt. Everest (third pole) to down tropical region where teemed with varied endangered species.
Each of the four seasons given below has its own unique feature to quench the thirst of varied tastes of different groups:
Summer (June-Aug): Sometimes this season really makes up its way until mid September and makes your travel wet and warm. In result the higher valleys and meadows are blossomed with flowers and lush vegetation. This period is blessed for keen botanist.
Autumn (Sept.-Nov.): Having undergone prolong period of rainy days, the dust in the air is washed out and sky remain azure blue and allow you to enjoy outmost the views of glittering peaks and peaks all around you. This tantalizing mountain views is one of the major attractions of tourist to the country.
Winter (Dec-Feb): Snow falls where the elevation goes above 2,500m. Hence it is ideal to trek at lower elevation. The minimum temperature goes down to 0-1 in Kathmandu. Morning and evening are especially cold and days are warm.
Spring (March-May): I suppose everybody loves the budding season. Brownish is getting form of greenery; flowers are budding; only is sweater or pullover is enough to avoid from feeling cold in the morning and evening. An excellent weather for trekking only the draw back is a bit haze in the sky.

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