Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Mustang Trek ! (Dry-Land)

Mustang is a very popular trekking region in Nepal and has been described as “desert in the mountain”. The trek to this region is a very rewarding one for those who want to experience the hospitality of the people living in this remote region. Department of immigration issued only a small number of special permit since 1991. This is a perfect destination where ample scope is offered for visiting Buddhists monasteries. This semi autonomous and heavily Tibetan influenced region was “described by Tilman as fascinatingly ugly country, the more fascinating for being so little known” indeed, the trek to LO – Manthang is through an almost treeless barren landscape, a steep rocky trail up and down hill, panoramic view of Nilgiri, Annapurna, Dhaulagiri and several others peaks make your trek memorable. A liaison officer is needed for this trek. This trek begins from Jomsom - accessible by air, Pokhara – accessible by road or Besisahar – accessible by road (If starting from Besisahar include Annapurna circuit too).

Itinerary Details

1 : Kathmandu - Pokhara Drive to Pokhara (200km), approximately 7 hours away by tourist bus. We will see good scenery of countryside while driving. We will be arriving late afternoon at Pokhara around 2:00 o'clock. Pokhara is an enchanting Himalayan Valley of remarkable beauty. We can explore its scenic land on bicycle/on foot or as your own like boating in Fewa Lake over looking the region of Annapurna Himalayan ranges. In the evening prepare for the trek. O/N in Pokhara.

DAY 2 : Pokhara - Jomsom - Kagbeni Today fly to Jomsom (20 minutes) the district headquarters of Mustang district and we start walking up to Kagbeni. An easy and lovely day walking along the riverside to Kagbeni just 3 hours. The spectacular views of Nilgiri, Dhaulagiri, Tukuche peak and Dhampus peak will make you buy some extra rolls of film. Kagbeni is the most interesting typical Tibetan village and the entry point of the upper Mustang for overnight stop.

Day 3: kagbeni - Chele The trail leads up toward the east bank of the Kaligandaki climbing over many ridges as it heads north and reaches Tangbe village. The town is a labyrinth of narrow alleys amongst white washed house, fields of buckwheat, barley, wheat and apple orchards. The Nilgiri peak, dominates the soughern skyline of Kagbeni, will be enjoyed all the way by different shapes. Beyond Tangbe we reach Chhusang village in about ½ hrs trek and crosses the river and continues north climbing up to a huge red chunk of conglomerate that has fallen from the cliff above, forming a tunnel through which the Kaligandaki follows. The trek now leaves the Kali Gandaki valley and climbs steeply up a rocky gully to Chaile at 3030 m. From here the culture changes from the Manangi culture to the Tibetan culture of Lo.

Day 4: Chele- Geling The climb continues along step, treeless, waterless terrain, along the side of the spectacular steep canyon to pass and cairn of rock at 3540m. Then the trail makes a long gradual descent to some chortens on a ridge, then descends further on a pleasant trail to Samar. The Annapurna, still dominated by Nilgiri, is visible far to the south. Climb above Samar to a ridge, then descend into a large gorge and the trail goes into another valley field, crosses a stream and climbs up to a ridge at 3800m. The route climbs over yet another pass, follows a ridge and then descends to Shyangmochen. From there gently climb to a pass at 3770m and descend to Geling.

Day 5: Geling – Charang From Geling, the trail climbs gently to the interesting pass on our trek NYILA and descends below the blue, gray and red cliffs. After crossing a steel bridge of the Tangmar chu (river) we will arrive to a MANI WALL perhaps the longest and most spectacular stretch and main wall in Nepal. Climbing over another pass at 3600m the route makes a long gentle descent to Charang. The huge five – story white Dzong and red Gompa is an interesting visit to observe collections of statues and Thankas as well as many large paintings of seated Buddha's.

Day 6: Charang – Lo Manthang The trail descends about 100 meters down from Charang, crosses the Charang- Chu and climbs steeply up a rocky trail to a cairn on a ridge and continues to climb. Finally from a ridge at 3850m. there is a view of the walled city of LO. After a short descent, cross a stream then climb up into the plateau of Lo- Manthang.

Day 7-8-9: Lo Manthang There are four major places and several other places like the Tall champa Lakhang “God house”, the red Thugchen Gompa, Chyodi Gompa and the Entrance Hal which are the main attraction of this town. An another attraction is the four- story building of the Raja's palace as well as the surrounding panoramic views of the Himalaya. Having seen one, you are exciting to see the others. Besides Lo Manthang there are two other interesting valley worth visiting. The western valley Tingkhar, the sight of Raja's summer palace, Kimling and Phuwa as active Gompa in Lo. The eastern valley contains Chosar, the site of a high School, Garphu and Nyphu Gompa and is the main trading route to Lhasa. If we have enough time we can hike surrounded green hills from were we can easily get views of Tibet and Mt. Kailas.

Day 10 : Lo Manthang - Ghami via Gekar This is an opportunity to visit two other villages on our return trek. The trail climbs steadily to the pass marked by a cairn, offering a last glimpse of Lo Manthang. The descends across to the south through two more valleys and across a ridge at 4070m then descends across to the sough through two more valleys, meadows and a stream. The trail then makes along rocky descent to Gekar. Lo Gekar Gompa is older then Samye Gompa in Tebet and one of the oldest Gompa in Nepal. Then crosses a ridge after a little climbing and drops down steeply to Thamar village. The trail descends along the side of the stone walls and fields of extensive villages, then climbs to a ridge. It is a short descent to Ghami. Day 11 : Ghami – Samar Frm Ghami climb to NYI LA and descend to Samar through the same route.

Day 12 : Samar - Kagbeni Return trek to Kagbeni.
Day 13 : Kagbeni - Jomsom Three hours walking back along the bank ob Kali Gandaki River. Day 14 : Jomsom - Pokhara Fly back to Pokhara in the morning. It takes about 19 minutes. O/N in Pokhara.
Day 15 : Pokhara - Kathmandu Drive back to Kathmandu. O/N in Kathmandu.

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