Thursday, May 31, 2007

Two Weeks Package Programme!

This package is suitable for all ages and first time visitors to the Himalayan Kingdom and offers a traveller the very best opportunity to explore the culture, history, uniqueness and wonders of Nepal. We consider this to be the best holiday package you can have here.Helambu-Gosainkunda-Langtang :
There are interesting places to the north of Kathmandu for those who have only a short time for trekking. Helambu, north-east of Kathmandu, and Gosainkunda and Langtang due north of Kathmandu, provide the glimpses of Tamang and Sherpa life, temperate forests with varieties of rhododendrons, lakes, glaciers and snow mountains.

a. Helambu :Helambu, about 72 kilometers north-east of Kathmandu, is noted for its scenic grandeur and pleasant climate. The Helambu region, extending from north of Taramarang to the tree limit of the Gosainkunda Lake and lower slopes of Jugal Himal, has several highland Tamang and Sherpa villages, scattered on both sides of the Malemchi Khola.

b. Gosainkunda :Situated at an altitude of 4,380 meters and cradled amidst craggy peaks, Gosainkunda Lake is one of the most famous pilgrimages of Nepal. Thousands of people trek to this glacial lake every August. The trek passes through varied landscapes ranging from evergreen forest, cascading waterfalls and turbulent streams to alpine grass and barren mountainsides. Besides the famous Gosainkunda Lake, the other lakes in the neighborhood are Nagkunda, Bhairabkunda, Saraswatikunda and Surajkunda.
Gosainkunda lies to the north-west of Helambu beyond a 4.602-meter high pass. However, the best approach to Gosainkunda is through Trishuli valley, 71 kilometers north-west of Kathmandu. Trishuli valley is linked with Kathmandu by a motorable road.

C. Langtang Valley :Surrounded with many peaks and glaciers, Langtang is a delightful valley situated north of Gosainkunda. Above an altitude of 3.000 meters, Langtang valley opens out beyond Ghora Tabela. The Langtang valley is full of beautiful camping sites, spectacular mountains and glacier sceneries. From Langtang village, the track continues to Kyangjin Gompa (3,74g m). This is the site of the Yala Cheese Factory. There is a STOL airstrip at Chhaldang, a short distance east of Kyangjin. Visits to the Yala Cheese Factory (4,633 m) and the small lakes beyond Yala are worthwhile. Yala can be reached within half a day from Kyangjin Gompa. From Kyangjin Gompa, a continuation to the pastures of Langsisa (4.084 m) provides the good views of numerous glaciers. There are some huts in Langsisa that can be reached within one day's walk from Kyangjin Gompa.

Royal Chitwan National Park area (932 SQ. KM'S.) :Royal Chitwan National Park, the oldest national park in Nepal, is situated in the subtropical inner Terai lowlands of South-Central Nepal. The park was designated as a World Heritage Site in 1984. The park covers a pristine area with a unique ecosystem of significant value to the world. It con tains the Churiya hills, ox-bow lakes and flood plains of Rapti, Reu and Narayani Rivers. Approximately 70% of the park vegetation is sal forest. The remaining vegetation types include grassland (20%), riverine forest (7%), and sal with chirpine (3%), the latter occurring at the top of the Churiya range. The riverine forests consist mainly of khair, sissoo and simal. The grassland forms a diverse and complex community with over 50 species. The Saccharun species, often called elephant grass, can reach 8 m. in height. The shorter grasses such as Imperata are useful for thatch roofs.
There are more than 43 species of mammals in the park. The park is especially renowned for the endangered one-horned rhinoceros, the tiger and the gharial crocodile along with many other common species such as gaur, wild elephant, four-horned antelope, striped hyena, pangolin, Gangetic dolphin, monitor lizard and python.
Other animals found in the park include the sambar, chital, hog deer, barking deer, sloth bear, palm civet, langur and rhesus monkey.
There are over 450 species of birds in the park. Among the endangered birds are the Bengal florican, giant hornbill, lesser florican, black stork and white stork. Common birds seen in the park include the peafowl, red jungle fowl, and different species of egrets, herons, kingfishers, flycatchers and woodpeckers. The best time for bird watching is March and December. More than 45 species of amphibians and reptiles occur in the park, some of which are the marsh crocodile, cobra, green pit viper and various species of frogs and tortoises.The park is actively engaged in the scientific studies of several species of wild fauna and flora.


01- Kathmandu 1400m to Dunche 1950m minibus our 4 wheel drive
02 -Dunche 1950m toSyabrubensi 2130m
03 -Syabru 2130m to Lama hotel2.500m
04 -Lama hotel 2500m to Ghora Tabela3.010m
05 -Ghora Tabela 3010m to Kyangjin3.798m
06- Kyangjin3798m-climbing Tsergo Ri (5.000m)
07 -Kyangjin 3798m to Lama hotel2.500m
08- Lama hotel 2500m to Sin Gompa3.350mMonastery
09 -Sin Gompa 3350m to Gosainkund4.381mGosainkund lakes
10 -Gosainkund 4381m to Gopte3.430mcross Laurebina pas 4.610m
11- Gopte 3430m to Kutumsang2.500m
12-Kutumsang 2500m to Pati Bhajyang1.850m
13-Pati Bhajyang 1850m Sundarijal-KTM1.400mminibus or 4 wheel drive
14-Kathmandu 1400m to Muglingrafting
15-Rafting transport to Chitwan by bus
17-Kathmandu 1.400m

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